Why Fasting is important

9 Jan

Fasting is a natural process that has been practised since ancient times. Hindu women are known to fast during Ekadashi, Navratri, full moon days etc. Fasting is an integral part of Muslim faith during Ramadan. Christ & Buddha both fasted for 40 days before enlightenment.

Fasting is a spiritual process. In Sanskrit it is called Upavasa – It encompasses not only abstaining from food but also includes refraining from negative thoughts and actions, and focusing on spiritual practices

The recent popularity of drugs that help with Obesity reduction is an indication of how we are scared to even miss a meal and have become a slave to our tastebuds. Obesity, diabetes, heart blockages, BP, knee pain are all a result of excessive eating.

This Blog introduces you to the benefits of fasting and how this simple process can help you stay healthy.


What is Fasting

It is a simple practise to improve physical & mental health. It is also the basis of curing many diseases. Fasting does not mean starvation. Fasting takes place so long as the body can support itself with its stored reserves. Starvation is when the body reserves are depleted or at a dangerous level.

Fasting is based on the principle that the body contains the most efficient healing agents. These agents are most effective when they are unhampered by the process of digestion – which tends to drain off much of the body’s energy. Fasting gives these systems a rest and releases energy to eliminate toxins for restoring the body to health.

Why do we need to Fast

Most people tax the body by overeating, drinking and staying in a state of stress. Over time there is build-up of waste material in the digestive tract. This causes the body system to clog up over time. This is the breeding ground for many illness. The body efficiency is impaired by the surplus of food which it is unable to use or throw up.

Fasting gives the body time for thorough cleaning and expulsion of accumulated waste.

The simplest way to clean the digestive system is to miss a few meals. When no food is ingested the body can concentrate fully on what is there. The build-up is more effectively expelled. This leads to purification of blood and a wonderful feeling of lightness & freshness.

Fasting & Disease

One of the first signs of sickness is loss of appetite. Rather than rest, fast & recuperate – we try to induce the sick person to eat and stay healthy and strong.

Fasting speeds up the catabolic process which occurs in illness helping eliminate toxins. When bacteria invades the body the immune system is mobilised. All available energy is needed to fight the bacteria. Eating and digesting requires a lot of metabolic energy.

Fasting is not a cure all – it is a technique that is used to stay healthy and eliminate toxins.

Fasting is relaxing

When approached correctly fasting can be relaxing. It must not be done with a goal of losing X Kgs. As the body slows down the mind also does and this results in

  • Freer breathing
  • Ease of movement
  • Tiredness disappears
  • Fullness and discomfort in the abdomen is replaced by lightness
  • Blood Pressure is lowered

Preparing to Fast

Here are a few tips to help you as you get started

  • Try to fast during the warmer periods of the year. During cold weather food is converted to energy to keep the body warm.
  • Family members tend to nag you to eat – ensure that your surroundings are suitable. Don’t allow family pressure to act as stress.
  • Rely on the body to tell you how long to fast. Fasting is not total elimination of food , you can switch to lighter diet of liquids, fruits etc
  • It is good to drink a lot of water while fasting. If you are fasting longer than 2 days take water with lemon juice (no sugar) three times daily
  • In a one day fast feeling of weakness is purely psychological. On a one day fast maintain all normal activities. If you rest 80% of the day all the benefits of fasting will be lost due to lack of natural blood circulation
  • In prolonged fast the hunger sensation disappears. Drinking water helps to relieve the desire for food. Never drink iced water.
  • Hunger is the natural call of the body for food in order to maintain itself. While appetite is the hunger of the conditioned mind.
  • Fasting is not for losing weight. It is a spiritual process. Don’t advertise it. Apart from health benefits fasting is a powerful method of developing will power and self-discipline.
  • Don’t force fast. The key things is moderation. Never fast if the craving of the body & mind is excessive.
  • Break a fast slowly – don’t overeat and spoil all the hard work.

Fasting is a simple way to stay healthy. You just need to get started…


The above writeup is excerpts from a chapter on Yoga for the Digestive System by Dr Swami Shankardevananda. Yoga Publications trust, Munger. (Bihar School of Yoga)

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